• Black Color Means…

    I might think black color is the strongest of all. This is nothing to do with Henry Ford’s famous quote. (Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black) This wise man’s problem might have totally different story ( some may say he was obsessed to reduce…

  • Creating Strong Brands with Sense

    I am recently reading “Brand Sense: How to Build Powerful Brands Through Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight and Sound” by Martin Lindstrom.  Of course book is kind of old and needs some updates with the recent  development in the marketing world. But It still gives great sense about the advertisement and the marketing. Today’s world blogs…

  • South Street Seaport

    South Street Seaport

    South Street Seaport was one of the first places I visited in New York when I came to the city. It is quite different than the other parts of the city. It is calm, quite and has European kind of vibe. I love cobble stone streets. It reminds me Galata.  Meatpacking and the South Street…

  • New Orleans The City Never Stops

    New Orleans The City Never Stops

    New Orleans is like a 90 minutes cassette. Music never stops. People never in stress. Great food, incredibly beautiful houses! this city is going to be one of my favorite in the U.S. Here is the some highlights about the City:

  • Glitter Boots Celebrate Sparkle of Times

    Glitter Boots Celebrate Sparkle of Times

    These glitter boots are probably one of my all time best purchase. I don’t know how many people compliment to them whenever I wear them. I love them. They are super comfy, chic, and well balanced to walk long time with the heels. I think they are actually inspired from Saint Laurent’s  A/W 14 collection.…

  • Skirt like Pants: Culottes

    Follow my blog with Bloglovin Pant is serious business. Especially If your style is mostly feminine. I used to wear more feminine style but  I’m really into pants like this nowadays.  Especially skirt like culottes. They look modern, minimalist and powerful. I bought this culottes pant ( Nu New York )today but I didn’t have…

  • A Fashionable Headphones: Frends Review

    A Fashionable Headphones: Frends Review

    I totally super crazy about Frends since last year. I wanted to buy it so bad. It wasn’t just because every major fashion blogger has it but It looks so stylish and fashionable. But I didn’t have a budget for this kind of expenses for a while. I’m always on a hunt when I love something…

  • Wish List 2014

    I love to create wish lists. Actually just today I’ve been invited to a focus group conversation about wish lists. I am so excited about that. Because the company who invites me is a really big deal! Anyway, I created this huge list for new year. In my home country we don’t celebrate Christmas but…

  • October 29th and Ataturk

    October 29th and Ataturk

    I want to talk about Ataturk little bit today because this day is the greatest day in my homeland back in Turkey! It is Republic Day. After Ottoman Empire’s 624-year rule over, Turkish people ends monarchy with the help of the greatest leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk*. I am thankful him so much for so many waysfor…

  • What is Acquisition in Internet World?

    Acquisition is basically a buying action. As a digital marketing manager I do acquisition but my job is to acquire new users for our app. We generally use the term of “customer acquisition”. On the hand when you hear this term in start up atmosphere, that probably means one company buy smaller one.  Companies buy…

  • What is Big Data?

    Everybody starts to talk about big data in these days. Because It is very important to understand what information we should take serious and count on in our decision making process in this massive unreliable information age. The companies who understand their data’s value now investing in this area. Since we have so many information…

  • Airbnb Designers Debate Club

    Airbnb Designers Debate Club

    Airbnb Designers Debate Club Session 6 is here as a part of Brooklyn Beta. Brooklyn Beta is an event for who are hungry to learn hip and new technology and companies. Sadly I never join Brooklyn Beta but I know for my husband, It is the coolest tech event series in the city. Finally I have a chance…

  • Istanbul is My Favorite City. Where is Yours?

    Istanbul is My Favorite City. Where is Yours?

    This is the first time, I visited Istanbul after I started my blog. If you don’t know that I am originally from Turkey and before New York I used to live in Istanbul for 6 six years. I went to college in Istanbul later, I found my first job in this dream city. I was there…

  • NYC Study Places-2: Where can I work in Union Square?

    NYC Study Places-2: Where can I work in Union Square?

    My first study place was Cafe Jax. Today I am going to write about multiple places nearby Union Sq. Union Square can be frightening but at the same time so fun! I know It is so crowded. But when you go down on Broadway It is going to be less crowded or you can try…

  • Happy Eid

    Most of the people know about Christmas or Hanukah. I actually become more aware of Hanukah after I moved to New York. Still I am not fully knowledgeable about it. I am pretty sure you have no idea what the Eid is? Also called Feast of Breaking the Fast, the Sugar Feast, Bayram (Bajram), the…

  • Jax Cafe – The Gorgeous Upper East Side Cafe

    Jax Cafe – The Gorgeous Upper East Side Cafe

    Wifi: √ Outdoor: √ Gluten Free: √ From now on, I decided to write about my favorite places that you can write, you can code, read or make your small meetings. Today I am talking about Jax Cafe. I’ve been living in Upper East Side for 2 years now. First impression about Upper East Side can be…

  • Spotted with Dotted Skirt

    Spotted with Dotted Skirt

    This skirt has been waited quite a bit now. Since my husband’s office moved to Union Square neighborhood, it has been quite fun to hang out around.  Before they move to there, I always thought union square and near neighborhood is total mess. I realize If you walk around a little bit you recognize how…

  • Foursquare vs. Swarm Craziness

    You know I actually write about fashion and fashion tech companies but recently I have the biggest disappointment with my beloved brand Foursquare. And they are from Silicon Alley like me so I have to write about my feelings about their new Swarm app. I hate you foursquare. Once It is my lovemark on the…

  • Little No Label Black Dress

    Little No Label Black Dress

    The black dress. Timeless, easy to wear and lifesaver. And there are some dresses, they don’t have label but they have soul, spirit. This dress, I worn on 4th of July is same kind. My sister had bought for me before I packed up for college. Oh god, I love my sister how she understands…

  • Turkish Blue Tile Dress

    Turkish Blue Tile Dress

    I think Blue tile is something really related to Istanbul. I din’t know if you’ve ever been to Istanbul. Whom be there know exactly what I am talking about. If you have been Istanbul, you most probably visit historic places like Sultan Ahmet Mosque (a.k.a. Blue Mosque), Topkapi Palace, Hagia Sophia, Basilica Cistern… Most of…

  • Your Startup has been failed? How is it feel?

    It is not the end of this world if your startup is total fail! It wasn’t like that for Nikki in the beginning maybe but now she openly talks about her experience with 99dress. Did you remember 19-year-old startup founder girl from Australia Nikki Durkin? Name is familiar right? I just read her brilliant writing about…

  • Shoes by Me? Nice Job by PikkPack

    Have you ever wanted to create your own shoe line? It is my dream actually! Unfortunately I don’t think I have any drawing skills. But I just got good news about it. I have an aim! Helping the new businesses and startups which is especially on fashion industry. To be niche, I specifically write startups…

  • Every Color Day: Hidrellez

    Every Color Day: Hidrellez

    I really enjoy today’s weather. Finally Spring is coming to NY. While I am jogging at Central Park, I recognize that the trees start to be green end of April this year. It is kind of horrible the fact that global warming slapped us on the face this year. 🙁 As I remember in my…

  • Elavate: Shop and Save the World Kind of Start Up

    I recently heard about exciting and awesome start up called “elavate“ which has known brands / designers boutique. Elavate is not only a classic online store but also kind of fairy godmother who help trigger charity projects. Elavate‘ s core goals are; To support new and emerging brands/designers; small businesses, To help solve the global…

  • Dress for The Day – The Ultimate Fashion Calculator

    I came across Dress of The Day while I was browsing for Fashion start-ups on NY Tech Day website. The idea may not be genius but definitely useful. My husband always asks me when I come with a new business idea. What problem does it solve? So What problem does Dress for The Day solve? “Know exactly what…

  • Casual Look for Friday and Lovely Spring

    Casual Look for Friday and Lovely Spring

    Casual Look is kind of a uniform for tech girls in my industry. A tech doesn’t want to wear over the top clothes but chic yet comfy. I should write about how a tech girl’s style is in an ordinary day at the work. Btw I am not that kind of tech girls. i love…

  • Nasty Gal’s Nasty iPad App

    I loooove Nasty Gal and its gorgeous #GIRLBOSS @Sophia Amoruso. Just google her and get the idea of NastyGal. I discovered NastyGal mid. 2012 which was”the fastest growing companies” by Inc. Magazine in 2012.  Nasty Gal’s philosophy  just tells you independent, confident young ladies wear. It was kind a unusual for me at that time. Because I…

  • 10 Seed Funding Terms You Should Know

    Seed funding time, a crucial time for your baby company. You need to know all these aliean names If you want to built a solid business plan. some of the may know these because you quit your fancy Wall Street job, what is self made entrepreneur like we watch in SharkTank. I love to learn…

  • So Who is alley girl?

    I am twenty six years old now and I start to ask myself what I am doing. After I had graduated from business school back in İstanbul, I jumped into first decoration based e-commerce company in Turkey. I remember I was the only full time in the company. We were very small company with very low…

  • What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

    Before learn about conversion rate optimization, first of all we need to decide what is conversion for our business. For a mobile app company, that would be either install of their apps or registered users. As a blogger I can think that every traffic I get is my conversion. You can also define  Conversion Rate Optimization…