Being A Blogger, Being A Writer vs Shopping Adviser
Being modest is very hard in today’s world. The job you are seeking or your supervisor push you to be more and more aggressive for successful. Even in our blogger world, I don’t feel the beauty of the beginning of blogosphere anymore, being a blogger was every interesting around that times. Now, everybody’s obsessed with likes, followers and all the…
Being New Yorker in an Eclectic Style
I received so many nice feedbacks about my last Youtube video. Some didn’t know what I am doing on my Youtube channel before and they were so surprised. The reason, I started the Newest Yorkers series is because I’m one of them. I moved to the city in 2011. It was September. Just 2 days before…
Little Mini Black Dress with a Touch of Red
Being in New York again is great. I’m so happy to start to share my posts on my blog and start working on new projects. I have so many new things coming before starting these new businesses, you need to wait for little more. Being in New York is great for returning my old schedule…
Coffee Talks with Newest Yorkers: Gabriel Hamsi
I know I know I am terrible at doing some of my scheduled things. Unfortunately, this is one of those things of mine that I have to reschedule over and over. Of course, I am talking about my video series “Coffee Talks with Newest Yorkers” which is supposed to be in every two months. Because of terrible…
Easy, Comfortable Fringe Skirts and Denim Shirt
Since I got back from my endless vacation I’m very busy with work, home, and some personal life changes. I started looking for a house again. I don’t mind where I live as long as Fatih and me together. Even though we have some necessities, like natural sunlight. Before Our Greenpoint house, we used to…
Color Blocking Times of the Year
It’s great to be back to NY. Traveling is great but you really miss your home and your routine. This is why I decided to do 5 days off every 3 months for traveling and 15 days offs for every 6 months for long distances traveling like Bora Bora, Thailand or Zanzibar etc. I was kind…
Organizing Beach Wedding in Turkey
Organizing a wedding is a difficult job. Organizing beach wedding in Turkey was even more difficult—maybe not all of Turkey. A developing summer city in Turkey is a better phrase, indeed. I can’t believe It has been 4 years already. When I was not married, I used to ask people how long they had been…
All White Look with Stone Embellished Skirt
:I’m absolutely obsessed with all white looks nowadays. Especially this stone embellished skirt is so special. It elevates my everyday look to a totally different level. I’m always a huge fan of the use of stones, glitters or sparkles for everyday looks. It reminds me Carlyne Cerf de Dudzeele‘s interview. She was talking about the art of…
Styling Baby Blue For Spring Summer Weather
When I was a child or a teenager, autumn was my favorite season from all. It’s very interesting choice for a young person now I realize this. :/ Because fall itself is a bit melancholic. I should have love summer or spring. Beautiful colorful clothes, pool or beach all the time and endless ice creams…
Spring Culottes Style with Fringe Sandals
I love culottes in every season. I wonder why I didn’t work on any culottes look during winter time but they are one of my favorite office looks during spring time definitely with the stylish shoes. Even though the weather is not good as I wanted, I’m still very enthusiastic about my spring office look. I…
Embroidery Romper with Blazer Styling
I absolutely love my romper. I actually bought it last summer but I’ve never had a chance to style and shoot it. I really love easy and comfortable it is but at the same time, It has this bohemian vibe of it. You remember my red blazer from my last post. I couldn’t resist to use…
The Best Blog Platforms – How to Choose the One?
And here, The Best Blog Platforms talk starts. Previous Week: How to start a Fashion Blog Congratulations. If you came this far to read my post about blogging, you finally made your decision about starting a new life. I warned you about the hard parts of this business in my previous post and probably we’ll talk more about…
Business Style – A Look with Spring Twist
I want spring so bad. I was wearing all plain and white looks lately. Enough is enough. I want my colors back. 🙂 Yes, I haven’t shown any business style lately, so I decided to show you this colorful little casual business style look. I showed this red blazer multiple times (see here, here and even…
Personal Style – How to Change it?
My personal style changes every day. I actually enjoy this change a lot. That means I learn new things to apply to my look and daily life. I told this million times now. I used to have very feminine style 4-5 years ago. My personal style today is more on the eclectic side. I love to…
Vintage Straw bag and How to become Vintage Shopper?
It’s finally straw bag time!! There is one thing that I become obsessed with since last year. Straw bags. I remember from my childhood, my mom used to have this kind of bags. They have really laid back vibe that I really enjoy. They make any kind of looks so effortless. There is one more…
DIY Pom Pom Sneakers
I love my no screen days. Since I started to put my iPhone aside, I started to work on interesting and more relaxing stuff and reading more than ever. Today, I want to write about my one and only DIY project so far. How to make pom pom sneakers that cost of $6. First of all, I…
Saturday is No Screen Day
Living without your iPhone is the next big thing. No Screen Day is nothing new actually. There is a Screen-Free Week. Every year, the first week of May is the “screen-free week”.This concept started by Adbusters magazine some other contributors to call Americans have TV-free Week. My idea of No Scree Day is little more easy and…
Why Should Fashion Industry Embrace 3D Printing?
When you say magic word 3D Printing, my eyes generally look like this ?. Here is why. Do you know some crazy guys in China actually built a house in 24 hours as using this technology? I just read another news mentioned they built another house less than 24 hours and cost something around $10000.…
Sunny Day with Chinese Vibe Kimono
It has been almost a month I haven’t shared you a new look. I’m sorry for this long absence. For you who follow me from Social Media knew I was sick almost for the entire month. I met Arriana to do this fun shooting with a glamorous sunny weather last week. I shared this kimono…
Alley Girl Featured by American Vogue Magazine for the First Time 🙂
This must be a blogger’s dream. Being featured by American Vogue. I’m so happy because this photo was taken by brother when he was visiting me. He is also an amateur photographer as I am an amateur writer. You can see all of his city photos and other work of his from his Facebook page. Vogue…
Fun Headphone Accessories with Motif Cables
Listening music is one of my favorite things while traveling from home to office or from office to anywhere in Manhattan. Most of the time messy cable is my nightmare. I mean I love my headphones but when It comes to cable it is really a pain. Because the cables keep messing up. And I just…
I Become a Designer, Curtsey of Mon Purse
When I first heard about Mon Purse, I thought they are doing the 3D printing. And I was like woohoo… How are they gonna do a leather bag with 3D printing? Soon enough I understand that I misunderstand the concept. Mon Purse is a fashion tech company which provide you with a way of creating your own purse,…
Last Minute Valentine’s Day Outfit Ideas
Fatih and I are not huge on Valentine’s Day. I enjoy the idea but still don’t like a stuck with one day. And another reason is our anniversary is almost ten days later than February 14th, so I never push and make so many plans for Valentine’s Day. Why not you? So I decided to create…
Faux Fur – My Favourite Jacket and How to Wear Dress As Top
I’ve never been a huge fan of a fur even the faux fur. It always makes me sad to see an animal skin on people. Until I saw these very fun colorful faux fur coat. I don’t know why but I feel totally different with colorful furs. (Btw When I say fur, It’s definitely faux fur. See my latest…
Is Vegan Leather Ethical? – Thoughts on Vegan leather
First of all, I am not Vegan. It is really hard to be Vegan if you are from Adana. We worship meat in my hometown. There are some parts of the city people start their day with the liver kebab. Sounds gross but It is culture. What can you about it? This is an updated version of…
Why am I NOT Impressed with Google Pixel?
I finally have a chance to review Google Pixel. Frankly, I’m not that impressed as (most probably) paid reviewer out there. I borrowed my friend’s Google Pixel last week and spend the whole weekend with the phone. I feel like Google Pixel might be the best Android phone (I used whole summer Samsung Galaxy and I used Motorola…
Alley Girl on Vogue Magazine. OMG 2nd time?!
Oh my god! Hey, people, this girl was featured by Vogue Magazine for the first time. I can’t believe this is happening. I am so happy to see my Instagram handle under my look. This is a collaboration between the app called WEAR and Vogue. They want to feature street styles with a coat. And…
2017 Resolutions and How to Remain True to Them
I hate writing about resolutions. But I can’t live the idea of being without a list. So I do my resolution lists every year no matter what I accomplished the previous year or not. This year I also wrote about my previous year summary. It is basically what happened in 2016. Resolutions of 2017 -After…