Category: Outfit Ideas
Business Style – A Look with Spring Twist
I want spring so bad. I was wearing all plain and white looks lately. Enough is enough. I want my colors back. 🙂 Yes, I haven’t shown any business style lately, so I decided to show you this colorful little casual business style look. I showed this red blazer multiple times (see here, here and even…
Personal Style – How to Change it?
My personal style changes every day. I actually enjoy this change a lot. That means I learn new things to apply to my look and daily life. I told this million times now. I used to have very feminine style 4-5 years ago. My personal style today is more on the eclectic side. I love to…
Vintage Straw bag and How to become Vintage Shopper?
It’s finally straw bag time!! There is one thing that I become obsessed with since last year. Straw bags. I remember from my childhood, my mom used to have this kind of bags. They have really laid back vibe that I really enjoy. They make any kind of looks so effortless. There is one more…
Sunny Day with Chinese Vibe Kimono
It has been almost a month I haven’t shared you a new look. I’m sorry for this long absence. For you who follow me from Social Media knew I was sick almost for the entire month. I met Arriana to do this fun shooting with a glamorous sunny weather last week. I shared this kimono…
Faux Fur – My Favourite Jacket and How to Wear Dress As Top
I’ve never been a huge fan of a fur even the faux fur. It always makes me sad to see an animal skin on people. Until I saw these very fun colorful faux fur coat. I don’t know why but I feel totally different with colorful furs. (Btw When I say fur, It’s definitely faux fur. See my latest…
Is Vegan Leather Ethical? – Thoughts on Vegan leather
First of all, I am not Vegan. It is really hard to be Vegan if you are from Adana. We worship meat in my hometown. There are some parts of the city people start their day with the liver kebab. Sounds gross but It is culture. What can you about it? This is an updated version of…
There is Something Wicked About New York
I don’t know who is the craziest? me or New York weather? Even though the light of my photos is great, It was a very cold day when we did this shoot. New York is insanely cold since last week and getting colder and colder. I’m even ok with 0 Celsius now as a born…
A Trench Coat – How to Wear with A Red Skirt?
We love doing this shooting in Williamsburg earlier last month. This is from the same hectic day of 3 different outfits shooting. This is my favorite look and I kind of waited for this look to release my new blog design. This new features in my new design looks so good with my photos. And…
Skinny Jeans with Blazer Jacket
Skinny jeans and blazer are kind of siblings to each other. If you have one of them, you have to put the other one together. Very expected but a lifesaver for job interviews. Young, confident but professional. If you want me to be honest, these kind of looks are so easy and very expected from a fashion…
Sparkle Boots, Leather Mini Skirt, A Garbage Bag
I still remember the day Saint Laurent showed those pink sparkle boots.In that historic day, all my fashion understanding is changed! I never been a pink girl and I’ve never been a huge fan of sparkle stuff. I was kind of tomboyish when I was a kid. Since I can’t afford over $1000 for a pair of…
Jersey Dress with the Golden Shoes
I love anything jersey for the fall. They are the easiest way to style during fall. I bought this jersey dress last year from Zara. It is a perfect day to night dress. Comfy yet chic. Laid-back yet elegant. (Check the couple of my choice of jersey dress at the end of the post.) I wanted to…
Dress Over Pants for Birthday Drink, Is it too Relaxed?
Have you ever try to wear dress over pants? I love to wear this, I don’t if this is nothing to do with my mother. My schedule has been crazy lately. I barely find a time to shoot my daily looks. I don’t create my looks just for shooting as some bloggers do. I wear…
MM6 Maison Margiela Black Dress with Red Shoes
MM6 is one of my favorite brands. The first time I fall in love with Maison Margiela with H&M collaboration. Maybe that collaboration is the most different one they’ve ever done so far. We purchased the reproduced real runway pieces in that collaboration. I have this necklace which mimics the horse hair. This necklace is…
East Village Day with Alley Girl
Today’s look is from East Village. I love to show you around in New York, I feel like you are browsing the city with me. It always fun to go a place and meet an acquaintance from the city to show you around just for a couple of hours. I think this is what I do with my…
Fringe Skirt: A Street Style Phenomenon
Last year the fringe game was accelerating, I bought this fringe skirt from Zara last season. I’ve never had a chance to share this properly. When can be the best time to share this eye-catching style? Of course, It is fashion week. I love fringe detail in every possible way but the most in skirts.…
My first look for NYFW
As some of you know, I wasn’t here during NYFW. One of my best friends was getting married around the same time and that period was also a traditional religious holiday back in Turkey. I always celebrate our holiday in New York. This was the first time I celebrate one of the holidays with my…
An Eid, A Newborn Baby, A Wedding, The Ultimate Istanbul Vacation
Here I am again going to Istanbul. This time just for 10 days. I am going to attend one of my best friends’ wedding in Istanbul. You may know Deniz from some of my IG photos or not. Actually, this isn’t very important. The thing is she is my friend from college and we both…
Central Park – New York Fairy Tale
Central Park is probably my favorite place above all. It is another universe in the middle of chaotic New York. I was one of those lucky people who live close enough to run in the park every morning. Those were the pretties 3 year in UES. (Check rest of New York Guide Posts) I realized…
All White Business Look
I did this photo shooting with my brother to show casing “business look”. I’m acting as fashion magazine editor in a very busy fashion week. 🙂 I bought this Prada skirt last year from one of my Woodbury visit. And the Prada shoes are from my famous ebay hunting session. These shoes were very iconic…
The Vale Boutique and New Favorite Brand
The Vale Boutique is one my favorite boutiques in Williamsburg. This store is the very first one that I’ve visited when I moved to Williamsburg. I was there last week to show to my friend some of designer boutiques. She was complaining about Dubai’s crazy luxury shopping malls (She works in Dubai). So she wanted…
What To Wear To A Fall Wedding
There’s nothing trickier than finding the perfect wedding guest dress. You have to achieve just the right amount of class without losing the interest of that cute groomsman. Fall weddings have become ever so popular – and we’re sure you’ll have your fair number to attend this year. There’s something romantic about the changing of the…
Dumbo, The Wall Street of Tech Guys
I continue my New York guide from Dumbo, Brooklyn. If you are planning to visit New York, So check my previous Times Square, Flatiron, West Village posts. Dumbo’s popularity has started around 198os. After one of the most famous management company (Two Trees Management) started to buy properties, people started set eye on this area…
Heart of Manhattan – A West Village Guide
West Village is my favorite neighborhood in Manhattan. So I decided to do my next iconic New York shooting in West Village.(Check Times Square and Flatiron – Silicon Alley shootings.) I consider West Village as heart of New York. The places you’ve seen on movies are generally from West Village. So don’t spoiled your New…
Silicon Alley Girl Look
I want to share my Silicon Alley Girl look today. What does that mean? My blog name is coming from Silicon Alley and I finally made my Silicon Alley shoot earlier May when my brother was visiting me. It is long time desire of mine to make this photo shooting. This is the second post…
Crazy New York – Times Square
We made this crazy Times Square shoot last month with my beloved brother. Whom follows me closely knows that my brother was visiting us last month. So I took advantage of him deeply 🙂 We decide to do photo shooting all over the city. We started from Times Square to Flatiron District known as Silicon…
H&M Mule Sandals and My colorful Office Look
I immediately fell in love with these H&M mule sandals when I first saw them in Summer 16 campaign bilboards. Colorful, cheerful and trendy.. I love the tassels. They make huge difference with all these simple sandals. Height is also incredibly comfortable. Because I am that girl who wants to wear her shoes all day…
I love New York
I love this city. It is truly dream city. New York is attractive to many young, modern indivuduals. I always feel so lucky to live in this city. I was lucky before I move to here. Before New York, there was only İstanbul for me. İstanbul was always my number one. Unfortunately İstanbul is destroy by…
Pump & Jean Look for Spring
It has been long time since I wear a pump like this. I love these pumps. They are from Ralph Lauren and I bought them 2 years ago from Woodbury “discounted designer heaven”. I was hysteric to see them $135 since they were $550 in retail stores. Woodbury sometimes has really great deals. I should…
My Army Green Utility Jacket Look
We are certainly living Spring this year. It is obvious from my thousands times worn utility jacket. I shouldn’t complaint about it I guess, right? But we are modern times people complaining about the rain because we are all so impatient to have sunny days. Can’t wait to wear our gorgeous new season embroidered tassel…