Category: Health
Natural Supplements to Boost The Immune System
I traveled to the depths of the Southern atmosphere not realizing what my body was enduring throughout the journey. Along the way, I was enjoying the luminous sun rays, the warmth of the wind, and the aroma of the sea. I traveled to Fort Myers, F.L, which was about a thirty-degree difference in weather temperature…
Crystal Chakra Wands Work Like Magic Charms
Okay, I know what you’re thinking… “What the hell is a crystal chakra wand?!” It sounds like a fictional wizarding device from Harry Potter, but slightly less cool. Crystal chakra wands are tools that work similar to a magic charm to balance your main energy centers. According to a variety of spiritual practitioners, their use…
3 Easy Meditations To Add To Your Morning Routine by Chaylin
I find that when you begin your day with a clear, relaxed mind the rest of what you encounter throughout the day seems to flow rather than clash with your personal atmosphere (i.e. your mood). And who doesn’t like having a smooth, conflict-free day? Why don’t you have a look at 3 Easy Meditations To…
Club Pilates is Going to Make You Love Pilates
This post is sponsored by on behalf of Club Pilates. As you know my slow cross country vacation started with Miami. I wasn’t very sure about leaving New York for so long. But Miami was surprisingly good. I found this new neighbourhood called Wynwood and It’s very familiar home like feeling to me. It’s…
There Is No Way Postponing My Resolutions After These Products
After I created my new year resolutions, I decided to move on really quickly. Somehow I always ended up postponing my resolutions. So I’ve started pilates right away. And decided to return my daily gym routines as well. I haven’t done any work out for so long. Because I am unfortunately not that kind of…
How to Travel When You are Pregnant
Pregnancy is one of the most meaningful and beautiful things you have in your life. But these feeling and thoughts are simply not enough to be comfortable around. I am miserable since my last trimester so It’s a blessing but It’s hard. Traveling during pregnancy can be also hard but It can be super nice…
The Miracles Happen – L’occitane: The Best Oily Hair Shampoo
I start to believe in miracles. Miracles can happen, really. After I used L’occitane (Read like Lox-ee-taan), I see a big difference in my extremely oily hair. Let me tell my story from the beginning. This is the story of how I discover The Best Oily Hair Shampoo – L’occitane. Since high school, I have…
My Lost Pregnancies and Story of Successful One
Yes, I’m pregnant. It’s very interesting for me to share one of the most intimate things of my heart, of my family with the whole world. I have struggles to talk about my personal life openly from my blog. Because even though I share my daily looks and my daily routines with my followers, this is very…