Tag: coffee talks with newest yorkers

  • Coffee Talks with Newest Yorkers: Gabriel Hamsi

    Coffee Talks with Newest Yorkers: Gabriel Hamsi

    I know I know I am terrible at doing some of my scheduled things. Unfortunately, this is one of those things of mine that I have to reschedule over and over. Of course, I am talking about my video series “Coffee Talks with Newest Yorkers” which is supposed to be in every two months. Because of terrible…

  • Coffee Talks with Newest Yorkers: Melissa A. Martin

    Coffee Talks with Newest Yorkers: Melissa A. Martin

    I finally complete my new Newest Yorker interview. I promise to do this videos every month but I was so busy during October and Arriana was so busy for November and I was kind of being lazy to pursue one of my friends to do this coffee talks with me. I was being late to…

  • Coffee Talks with Newest Yorkers *

    I was thinking about starting this video series for a long time. I attempt to do by myself months ago for the first time. It was kind of disaster in terms of my editing and camera skills. When I was lucky enough to find Arriana, I was so excited about finally doing my youtube videos.…