What is Product Listing Ads?

PLA is Product Listing Ads on Google Advertisement. Those ads don’t appear on text ads section. They appear specifically on Google Shopping.

To use PLA, don’t forget to create both Google AdWords and Google Merchant accounts.

According to Google:

Benefits of Product Listing Ads

More traffic and leads: Many businesses experience significantly higher clickthrough rates (CTR) with Product Listing Ads compared to text ads shown in the same location for Google Shopping searches. In some cases, advertisers have experienced double or triple standard clickthrough rates.
Better qualified leads: As a merchant, you can increase the quality of your leads by featuring product information directly in your ads to help shoppers make informed purchase decisions. This makes shoppers more likely to complete a purchase on your site.
Easy management: Instead of keywords, Product Listing Ads use the product attributes you defined in your Merchant Center data feed to show your ads on relevant searches.
Broader reach: More than one of your Product Listing Ads can appear for a given customer search and, if relevant, a Product Listing Ad and a text ad can also appear at the same time. This means your reach with shoppers for a single search could double.



