16 Seed Funding Terms You Should Know Part-2

You’ve already read my previous seed funding terms list. So I decide to make the list larger. It has been ages I didn’t share anything on my Alley (Internet) Talks section. This is the perfect subject to share.

  1. Due Diligence
  2. Friend, family and fools
  3. Exit/Exit strategy
  4. Incubator
  5. Initial public offering (IPO)
  6. Joint Venture
  7. Market valuation
  8. Merger
  9. Preferred stock
  10. Private equity
  11. Return on investment (ROI) (this is one is also important for digital marketers.)
  12. Redemption
  13. Seed funding
  14. Tag along
  15. Term sheet
  16. Venture Capital

Remember, It is hard to find a fund for your business, don’t be so emotional and never forget your angel investor is still wants his money back. He is not only helping he wants to make money. Be prepared for any kind of finance related questions. Don’t be in a mode of “I believe in my idea”. don’t forget we live in a world of 7 billion. Everybody ha s a great idea and some study their homework. Don’t be that lazy kid in the school again.

What do you think about my list? Do you wanna add more? Please don’t hesitate to comment under this post or related terms. I’m ore than happy to collaborate with my readers. Because I am writing about these things doesn’t mean I know better than you, you can also correct me if I’m wrong.

Source: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/startup-fashion-tickets-4766820689?aff=eorg