Resolutions knock to door of 2017

2017 Resolutions and How to Remain True to Them

I hate writing about resolutions. But I can’t live the idea of being without a list. So I do my resolution lists every year no matter what I accomplished the previous year or not. This year I also wrote about my previous year summary. It is basically what happened in 2016.

Resolutions of 2017

-After my miscarriages I didn’t go to jogging or even gym, I do yoga maybe 5 times? Whatever happened, don’t punish your body.

-All my body fat goes to my tights and my belly. Eat more healthy, cut the f*cking sugar, girl!!

-I’m gonna do off-screen Sundays. I’ll tell you what this is in a separate post.

-To support my off-screen day, I’ll do more DIY stuff. I started this last year.

-Don’t gonna buy seasonal trends. I’m getting better in this one. I didn’t buy anything velvet and those high knee boots and sock boots this year. But I wanna be even better in this one.

-I want to travel more this year. Here my first 5 choices of countries…

  1. Thailand
  2. Mongolia
  3. England & Scotland
  4. Norway
  5. Austria

– Why don’t you go to classical music concerts more

– Go to classical music concerts more. You love it and you know it.

– Write more about technology. I’m always cheating in this one in the sake of more clicks (shame on me). At least, I’m admitting and promise to be better. 🙂

– Write more. Doesn’t matter, blog post or diary or book.

– Write with actual pen and paper. Start to use that glass pen that you bought it from Germany last year.

-Or just use that very old typewriter to feel like a douche bag. (Perhaps I need  a pair of thick glass frame that 1950’s writers used to wear.)

-Start to Jane Austen 5 years book. (I was waiting for January 1st to start that, bought it from San Francisco trip, I add similar version in below)

-Finish the research process of the book.

If I remember more resolutions, I’ll add during January. Keep this in mind, I’ll wait for your resolutions you may bring some things to my mind to add my list.

Betül Yildiz e1518468033933



