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Central Park – New York Fairy Tale

Central Park is probably my favorite place above all. It is another universe in the middle of chaotic New York. I was one of those lucky people who live close enough to run in the park every morning. Those were the pretties 3 year in UES. (Check rest of New York Guide Posts)

I realized that New Yorkers are really proud of Central Park. Perhaps this is one of the best thing to be proud of. You know that most of New Yorkers are not the most environmental people but when It comes to Central Park, everything is different. You can see from most of the city is really dirty and mess but Central Park is kind of saved area and everybody is really respectful to nature and try to save the park in their own ability.

When you visit the park, you probably see touristic spots like Glasgow Bridge, The Fountain, The Lake, Jacquline Kennedy Oasis Reservoir, Shakespeare in Park, Great Lawn and this list goes on. The fact that is there are tone of hidden places in the park, you cam’t really believe your eyes your are actually in the middle of New York City. There are some parts in the park, you can not see the skyscrapers or hear any kind of city noises. You are basically in private with the nature.

When my brother was visiting us, we try to show him romantic comedy places and also some hidden gems from the park. He loves the park so much. Central Park was the only place just like I imagined it before I settled in New York. So he does. We made this photo shooting while we spent time in Central Park. Hope you enjoy it.

I’ll list you the most important places you should visit at the park in next blog post with my favorite hidden spots.

Jumpsuit: Forever 21 (similar from Tibi on sale), Bag: Chanel, Sandals: Lauren Ralph Lauren (similar)

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Processed with Snapseed.

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Please add your hidden places to the comment, I ‘ll add yours in my next post. Once again, thank for reading me.