A to Z Everything You Should Know About Clubhouse – How to get an invite?

How to get an invite to the Clubhouse? – the question of the month of January. Clubhouse the newest phenomenon app that everybody talks about these days. And I am one of these people that literally obsessed with this app. I legit spend more than 6 hours a day on this app last 3 days.

Why is this app so popular right now? And Why is so addictive? Let’s take a closer look of the Clubhouse app and It’s success.

What is Clubhouse App?

Clubhouse is basically a virtual panel app that you can listen to and even participate in by going to the stage with live audio with others. You can exchange so many ideas, philosophies, or the same interests with so many different kinds of people. You can also join the rooms with celebrities like Drake, Oprah, or Ashton Kutcher.

Why is Clubhouse so popular?

We can discuss on so many speculations. But I think people are attracted to the rawness of the app. You as the moderator or the event host don’t have look good or show up your wealth or lifestyle. I think many social media users are so over of all the fake lifestyle or over the head sho offs of so many infuencers, celebrities and many others.

It was about the time to turn to real sophistications that you can show to people by simply putting your thoughts to words and speak with others.

How to get an invite to the Clubhouse?

How to get an invite to the Club House

But How can I get the invite? The simple as It is by invited by someone who is already in the app. Yes, the app is around for about 9 months now. Everyone so far joined the app with an invitation.

But don’t worry. Here is the tweak. You should download the app and reserve your spot. And all your friends who are in the app get this notification by asking ” do you want to let this person in? Looks like he is your friend”. So Let’s hope that someone is going to let you in.

Also, you can always go to other social media channels and ask for an invitation. Use the #Clubhouse hashtag to get attention. Also here is a Reddit thread about the invitation.

Also, I am keeping three invitations right now to give one lucky AlleyGirl.com reader to get. Just convince me why do you need it desperately and how do want to create a Clubhouse account?

How can I create a popular account on Clubhouse?

I have three strategies. I grow my follower count to 200 people in less than 2 days. Somebody let me into the app on January 7th. But honestly, I started to use the app last Friday. During the weekend I grew my account by 200.

Follow these three steps, you will get a lot of benefit.

  • First 1-2 days attend as many as rooms to get the atmosphere of the app.
  • If you don’t feel ready to attend the room as a speaker, ask questions. But probably smart question going to get attention to your profile not only moderator or other speakers but also listeners are going to take a look at your profile.
  • Attend so many different rooms, definitely raise your hand and try to connect your personal experience with the topic is in discuss. Give informative or useful tools or share tips you experiences in your success.
Can I monetize my popularity in Clubhouse app?

I’ve already people start to monetize their business via Clubhouse. So many Lifestyle coach, dietitians or social media experts and influencers found a way to promote their side Hustles or businesses via Clubhouse.

Before taking this big leap about promoting business, first focus on growing your account by creating your persona in the Clubhouse app.

If you want to know more about the Clubhouse app, follow me on Clubhouse (@alleygirlcom), I am having “How to Make it in Clubhouse Rooms” every week.

I hope you enjoyed my take on the Clubhouse app and get the benefit of how to get an invite to the Clubhouse from small tips. Please take a look at my “5 Things You Need to Know Before Joining the ClubHouse App” post, too.


