Natural Supplements to Boost The Immune System

Natural Supplements to Boost The Immune System

I traveled to the depths of the Southern atmosphere not realizing what my body was enduring throughout the journey. Along the way, I was enjoying the luminous sun rays, the warmth of the wind, and the aroma of the sea. I traveled to Fort Myers, F.L, which was about a thirty-degree difference in weather temperature than what my body was used to. While I was away, the weather up north continued to decrease. When I returned back home I felt as though my immune system weakened. I felt ill. This is why I want to write about how to add Natural Supplements to Boost The Immune System. So You don’t have the same problems I had.

Allow me to elaborate:

The Rhinovirus is a germ that is the predominant cause of the common cold. In lower temperatures, the germ replicates forcing a disturbance in the immune system. Studies show that the Rhinovirus can even live outside the human body! Oh No! The moment an unwanted guest enters the immune system, the body shifts into defense mode and sends out virus-fighting cells to help keep the body strong. This process can be a little overwhelming. The body may experience a few or all of the symptoms below :

  • Swelling in the sinuses
  • Mucus build-up
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Fatigue

Having these symptoms indicates that the body is removing an unwanted guest. Below I have created a list of ways on how to encourage the acceleration of removing an unwanted guest from your body.

Three Natural Supplements for Immunity

Saline Spray

Nasal congestion can be unpleasant. I found relief when using Arm & Hammer Simply Saline. It moisturizes and clears out irritants and dust from the nasal passages, which make it easier to inhale and exhale freely. It is a drug-free product and the ingredients are simple.

herbivore botanicals sea mist salt spray
Herbivore Botanicals Sea Mist Salt Spray – $20


Steaming is a wonderful home remedy that I absolutely love. It helps with congestion and coughing. Inhaling steam will soothe the sinuses and open the passages allowing them to drain.


  • Bring two cups of water to a boil.
  • Carefully remove the pot and place it on a protected counter.
  • Drape a towel over your head ( to conceal the steam )
  • Breathe slowly and continue for 15 minutes.

Herbal Intake

Herbs act as a key role in building strength in the immune system. Herbs are necessary for overall health. I definitely found so much relief while using this holistic approach.

Ginseng: This slow-growing plant is considered an adaptogen, which means it helps the body manage mental and physical stress. Ginseng is also found to be effective in lowering the risk of recurring colds.

Elderberry: The Elderberry plant has been used as a healing remedy for many years throughout history. It contains anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and immune-boosting properties.

Echinacea: Echinacea is also known as the “Cone Flower”. It is a plant that belongs to the daisy family. This plant has benefits that include a reduction of swollen glands and energy increases. It also aids in recovery from a sore throat.

During my healing journey, I stayed consistent with these natural alternative options the way Mother Nature intended me to. My immunity gained strength and It was such a great feeling – so I encourage you to walk forward in that path! Remember being aware and in tune with your body is an important element while keeping it in outstanding shape.

I hope you enjoy my take on natural supplements to boost the immune system. Don’t forget to share your tips on supporting the well being of your body on the comment section.

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